Are you fed up of feeling unwell or not 100%?

I help individuals optimise their health by investigating the root cause of what is making them feel unwell.


Naturopathic Nutrition

I offer one to one personalised consultations in Nutritional Therapy, focusing on a functional approach to naturopathic healing. I have a particular interest in gut health and digestion, hormonal health and post viral recovery (long covid). However, I see a wide range of ailments in clinic. Some symptoms I regulary support are: skin issues, low energy, low mood, weight regulation, stress, migraines and headaches, and many more.

Naturopathic nutrition is a preventative health system focusing on identifying and eliminating the root cause of disease, rather than only addressing the symptoms. I focus on looking at the whole person; physically, mentally and emotionally.

Unfortunately, we commonly look to quick fixes to lessen symptoms and improve our health. Rather than taking a pill or using cream, why not try making health and lifestyle changes that address why symptoms have occurred in the first place?

With so much food misinformation in circulation, it is difficult to know how to change your diet to benefit you personally. By looking at each person as an individual, holistic therapies offer personalised advice to help people reach a better understanding of their health.


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My qualifications and experience allow me to use primary research alongside an anecdotal approach, focusing on individualised nutrition. I take a holistic approach, looking at what is happening in your body, understanding your symptoms and running tests to find out what is causing your body to react the way it does.

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