How Raw Carrot Can Help Your Hormones


Everyone has heard 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'. Well, try a carrot a day keeps the hormones at bay. Eating raw carrot is cheap, easy to prepare, and diverse in their array of beneficial properties. It is an underrated, undervalued nutritional tool; effective in supporting your hormone health and reducing the very commonly seen oestrogen dominance.

What is oestrogen dominance?

Oestrogen dominance is caused by having too much oestrogen in circulation.  It puts you at risk for a whole host of chronic issues that affect men and women. From fatigue to irritability to autoimmune conditions, thyroid dysfunction, and cancer. ‘Oestrogen can wreak havoc on your body. Especially if it’s not in proper balance with your other reproductive hormones, such as progesterone’ -Dr. Amy Meyers.

When you eat a raw carrot, its fibre binds to excess oestrogen hormone, and helps to safely carry it out of your body in your stool.  In doing this the carrot fibre also prevents oestrogen from being reabsorbed in the intestine, which can happen when you are not regularly evacuating your bowels. This is important because too much oestrogen can lead to all kinds of hormonal disruptions, including PMS, mood disorders, acne, etc.

Another important benefit is that the raw carrot fibre helps to lower the bad bacteria (endotoxin) in the gut. Did you know that our bacteria plays a crucial role in hormone regulation!! Intestinal bacteria can be a huge driver for hormone imbalance. The bacteria creates a chronic burden for the liver, keeping it from the VERY important job of  processing and eliminating hormones. Because these fibres support a balanced gut microbiome, other metabolic functions of the body are stimulated as a result:

· Production and conversion of thyroid hormones
· Elimination of excess estrogens
· Binding and removal of endotoxins
· Reduced histamine levels
· Improved liver function

So introduce a raw carrot into your daily routine. Try making a delicious carrot salad to have with lunch? Snacking on a whole carrot will do just the same if you don’t want to make things hard for yourself.

Are you pooing daily?

I'll leave you with this.... If you are not evacuating your bowel daily then you are not eliminating your hormones at the rate you need to.  Ensuring regular elimination of hormones is so important for our hormonal health. Slowed or delayed transit time of stool give hormonal metabolites and toxins opportunity to reabsorb in the intestine and they are then thrown back into bodily circulation. Consistent, daily bowel movements are critical to ensure overall health!! That's why ensuring regular healthy bowel movements is one of the first things I look to optimise with clients see in clinic.  


If you think you would benefit from hormonal support then book in for a free 15 minute call to discuss your symptoms.


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