Improving Mood and Energy by Working on Gut Health - Sam’s Story.

Let me tell you about Sam

Sam is a mother in her late 30's with two young children. She was suffering with fatigue, headaches, gut problems, and overall struggling to control her emotions and mood. This is something that has gradually been worsening over the last 5 years. She came to me, extremely worried that she was not going to be able to properly mother her two young children. The fatigue was her main concern with her gut problems coming in at close second. 

Her symptoms were:

  • Persistent fatigue

  • Loss of strength and inability to exercise

  • Poor concentration and focus (brain fog)

  • Low mood

  • Gastrointestinal bloating and flatulence

  • Constipation

  • Food intolerance’s

  • Insomnia

She had followed various diets and was on a large variety of self-prescribed supplementation. Although the supplements seem to be well tolerated, a lot of them were poor quality, not a beneficial therapeutic dosage, and some were causing more harm than good.

Whilst working together we carried out a testing which showed: an overgrowth of bacteria in her small intestine (our bacteria should mostly live in our large intestine), compromised gut lining health, poor microbiol balance, and heavy metal toxicity. 

Over time, we carried out a gut protocol, supported the reduction of sources of heavy metals alongside the liver. We reduced toxic exposure to other environmental chemicals by making small sustainable lifestyle changes. We talked a lot about the gut-brain connection and how by improving our gut health we can improve our mental cognition and overall health. 

We saw amazing results, Sam is able to wake up with energy and keep up with her children. She has also reintroduced exercise in her life, something she has been physically unable to do for years. Her bi-weekly headaches have gone, her bowel movements have become regular, and she no longer experiences discomfort around eating. She is happier and no longer feels daily sadness over her health condition. 


Sam's Words...

'I truly did not believe I could feel or get better. I would have been happy to have a minor improvement in my symptoms but am absolutely over the moon with the result. It was 100% worth the time and effort it took to make these changes. All I wanted was more energy and better gut health. I was not expecting such a improvement in my mood and am so interested in how the gut and brain work together. I am very grateful to know about this now. I wish I had done this sooner. Ruby, thank you thank you thank you thank you!'

If you do not feel 100% and would like to find out if I can help, I offer free 15 minute minute free calls to discuss you and your health.


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